Consideringa beauty career
in St. Louis?
The Salon Professional Academy stands above the competition in St Louis:
- Our student-to-teacher ratio is 17 to 1, which means more 1-on-1 training.
- Our graduates have extremely high placement rates in Missouri and nationwide.
- Our programs give our students the most hands-on training available in St Louis. We limit the mannequin work and have our students practice on real salon guests.
- All tools and equipment are included in the tuition price.
See actual statistics from some of our past students’ State Board exams. Also see Safety Regulations, expected compensation, and more about our programs.
According to 2004-2005 annual reports submitted by NACCAS schools (National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences):
- 1.6 million people are employed in salons and spas nationwide.
- New hires are up nationally by 37%.
- Nationwide, the average full-time salon/spa salary is $50,000.

Consideringa beauty career
in St. Louis?
We know a career choice a big decision. To help you in your decision making, here are some beauty industry facts: US News and World Report named Hairstylists/Cosmetology best careers for 2009.
According to 2004-2005 annual reports submitted by NACCAS schools (National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences):
- 1.6 million people are employed in salons and spas nationwide.
- New hires are up nationally by 37%
- Nationwide, the average full-time salon/spa salary is $50,000
The Salon Professional Academy stands above the competition in St Louis:
- Our student to teacher ratio is 17 to 1, which equals to more 1-on-1 training.
- Our graduates have extremely high placement rates in Missouri and nationwide.
- Our programs give our students the most hands-on training available in St Louis. We limit the mannequin work and give our students practice on real salon guests.
- All tools and equipment are included in the tuition price.
See actual statistics from some of our past students’ State Board exams. Also see Safety Regulations, expected compensation, and more about our programs.
Student Catalog
Our Student Catalog covers everything you may want to know about The Salon Professional Academy. We’ve broken it up for you, for ease of reading.
Student Policies
For more detailed admissions info, read through all our student policies to find out more about what is required of you when in attendance at The Salon Professional Academy.

GetStarted Now!
Text us at 314.458.3109 to request information and our team will be ready to answer your questions or begin your application.